For the calendar 2026 we are already looking for interesting artists to participate in this project.
If you are interested, please send us an e-mail
with some information.
participating artists (YDM 2025):
Alberto Escobar (Brazil);
Andrey Kolyshnitsin (Germany);
Antti Eric Joronen (FInland / Estonia);
Antoine Timmermans (Netherlands);
Anton Abela (Malta);
Armin Scheid (Germany);
Attila Hartwig (Germany);
Benno Thoma (Netherlands);
Coriander Pinxit (Germany);
Dan Simoneau (Canada);
Dennis Coenraad (Netherlands);
Detlev Pusch (Germany);
Eloi Biosca Frontera (catalonia);
Farrand (Netherlands);
Fernando Madera Alvarado (Mexico);
Frank Lorenz (Germany);
FreekWeidema (Netherlands);
Georg Meyer-Wiel (United Kingdom);
Gert Lammerts (Netherlands);
Hannes Steinert (Germany);
Hans van der Veen (Netherlands);
Hendrik Schink (Germany);
Ivan Bubentcov (USA / Russia);
Ivo Blanck (Germany);
Jaap de Jonge (Netherlands);
Jaap van Ek (Netherlands);
Jens Schubert (Germany);
John Sillevis (Netherlands);
Jude Ribisi (USA);
Khairzul Ghani (Netherlands);
Lourens Lubbers (Netherlands);
Marcel Julius Joosen (France / Netherlands);
Musk Ming (Germany / China);
Niall Kirby (United Kingdom);
Norbert Heuler (Germany);
Ose del Sol (Spain);
Paul Binnie (USA);
Peter Kooij (Netherlands);
Peter Meeuwisse (Netherlands);
Peter Platel (Belgium);
Ralf Wehrle & Uwe Franck (Germany);
Richard Yeung (Netherlands);
Richard Stabbert (USA);
Stephan Tobias (Germany);
Teun van Staveren (Netherlands);
Walther Sánchez (Peru).
Information about the artists and artworks in the calendar
can be obtained via Gallery MooiMan
Your Daily Male 2025
tear-off calendar
368 pages full-color
14,8 x 21 x 4,2 cm